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Marvel Comics
Wolverine #900
By Hervé St-Louis
May 28, 2010 - 23:05
This issue is an anthology of new and old Wolverine stories providing readers with a greater insight into the Canadian mutant. The question is was it necessary. I don’t know where the number #900 came from. They could have called this Wolverine Annual Volume something and be done with it. The stories read like those from an annual. Nothing groundbreaking, some reprints and touchy goody stories that show the mellow part of the protagonist. The stories are not bad at all, but nothing worth remembering. And this is what’s wrong with how Marvel Comics markets Wolverine. They put him in every book to boost sales and write the most ridiculous stories and fans like you and I support them by buying sub-quality material because Wolverine’s in it. The artwork is all over the place in terms of quality and most of it is not the type I like. The story with the Morlocks in particular, looks amateurish. But for Wolverine fans may appreciate the diversity of portrayals in this issue. You can definitely pass on this comic book if you lack the funds.
Rating: 6 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20