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Who Should Take Over Writing Duties on Detective Comics?
By Dan Horn
July 2, 2012 - 11:05
The long-time writer/artist on Batman (Volume 1) and Detective Comics
(Volume 2), Tony S. Daniel, has recently announced that he will be
relinquishing his control of Tec with issue 12 in order to pursue other
projects. It's more likely that he was kindly asked to leave, given his
work on Batman's tentpole books has been controversial in that its
quality is suspect, derivative, and wildly inconsistent. DC has yet to
reveal which creator(s) will be replacing Daniel on Detective, but
whoever takes up that cross ought to do his damnedest to definitively
distinguish his work from any semblance of Daniel's if Detective is to
see a turnaround in readability. In the spirit of wild speculation, I've
compiled a list of writers that I think would be perfect for the job.
10. Stephen King
Ok, so, this one's a pipe-dream, which is why I've put it
at number ten, but I've previously postulated that
Stephen King's
involvement in serialized Batman graphic novels would prove to be the
cash cow DC has been fishing for over the past decade. Having King, who
has already been involved in writing comic scripts for American Vampire,
write Detective Comics would at least be sure to push Tec to the top of
Diamond's charts.
9. Joe Hill
Maybe this is less of a pipe-dream. King's son, Joe Hill, has
his father's literary prowess, but has the benefit of being a comic book
mainstay, between his critically acclaimed The Cape and Locke and Key,
for years. Hill's dark, twisted storytelling and knack for insightful
character study would gel perfectly with Batman, his supporting cast,
and his Gothic-revival environment and would bring quite a few new
readers into DC's fold.
8. Fabian Nicieza
Fabian Nicieza hadn't gotten off to a great start in the
New 52, resigning from his only ongoing, LEGION Lost, which hadn't been
met with many positive reviews, but his underperformance could easily
be chalked up to the rampant editorial problems in post-retcon DC or
Nicieza's packed schedule. He's proven his writing chops before, and he
was working on a particularly engrossing Ragman back-up in Batman:
Streets of Gotham before that book was cancelled, leaving his Ragman
saga unfinished. Perhaps putting him at the helm of Detective Comics
would see Fabian return to his element.
7. John Arcudi
When G.I. Combat was first announced many months ago, John
Arcudi was reportedly attached to the book, penning scripts for a new
Haunted Tank feature. Arcudi hasn't been included on the series as
reported, though, and I'm wondering if he's been tapped by DC for some
other work, like writing Detective Comics perhaps, or maybe his Haunted
Tank is just waiting on deck. Arcudi is a comics veteran, known for his
work on Dark Horse's antihero The Mask, which inspired the Jim Carrey
movie of the same name, and an extensive collaborative relationship with
Mike Mignola that has produce a vast catalog of B.P.R.D books. It
occurs to me that writing the Mask might have been pretty great training
for writing the Joker, and the darkly fantastic, weird subject matter Arcudi
explored in B.P.R.D. might translate very well to the esoteric locale
known as Gotham City.
6. Joshua Hale Fialkov
Echoes was a comic book that I can only describe as
haunting, and that Image miniseries also made me keenly aware for the
first time of Fialkov's mastery of smart suspense. His short stint on
Superman/Batman only further instilled in me that impression, and I,
Vampire has been a surprise hit under his supervision. Let's see what
Fialkov can do to reinvigorate Detective.
5. Cameron Stewart
Not all artists can be serviceable writers, no matter
how hard they might try. Case in point: Tony Daniel. Cameron Stewart,
however, is of a rare breed of phenomenal artists that can also write
their way out of a wet paper bag. His writing chops may have gone under
the radar for many fans of his artwork in Batman and Robin and Seaguy,
but since 2007 Cameron has been weaving an intricate mystery webcomic,
Sin Titulo, that reads like Stanley Kubric handling scripts for the
defunct television series Lost. It's fantastic, really, and puts Cameron
Stewart on my short list of prime candidates to take over Detective.
4. Paul Dini/Dustin Nguyen
One of the heydays of Detective Comics (Volume 1) included
a long run by Batman: The Animated Series veteran Paul Dini, often
joined by brilliant artist Dustin Nguyen who quickly became a darling of
the comics community. Their fantastic Batman: Streets of Gotham series
met an abrupt and untimely end, shortly before the DC relaunch,
suffering from a final muddled arc due to the time crunch. I'd love to
see Dini and Nguyen get another crack at Detective, and I'd especially
like to see how they'd handle a rebooted Bruce Wayne.
3. China Mieville
Mieville, an award-winning and renowned author, sort of
got the short end of the stick with the obscure DC title Dial H for
Hero. Granted, he had expressed personal interest in tackling the book's
goofy and esoteric subject matter, but as his first published outing in
comic books, it seems destined to go largely unsung even if the actual
quality of Dial H is above par. Through his phenomenal novels, like The
City & The City and Embassytown, Mieville has exerted a keen wit and
penchant for noir prose stylings tempered with dark fantasy. Pairing
China and Detective Comics would be a match made in heaven.
2. Mike Carey
With the close of his fan-favorite run on Marvel's X-Men:
Legacy, Carey's really taken a step back from comics to focus on family
and his star-reviewed prose. Sure, the Eisner-winning The Unwritten is
still going strong, but I've always felt that Mike, with his flare for
occult gravitas and intelligent mystery, would make a perfect Detective
scribe. He even spoke with me about his
lost Batman script at one time,
meaning he's already got some idea of how he'd handle a Batman arc. It's
about time we saw this Vertigo alum do some work on DC's mainstream
heroes, or at least on Detective Comics. At San Diego Comic Con, he'll
be announcing some new work he's got lined up, so keep your fingers
1. Kurt Busiek
As Mr. Busiek convalesces after recent surgery, I figured
I'd send him some good vibes by rereading his Thunderbolts and Avengers
runs (more on these later in
Backissue Retrospective). During the
experience, I realized how much I missed this Eisner- and
Harvey-winner's work. If anyone knows how to revitalize a comic book
after a controversial relaunch, it's got to be Kurt. It feels like it's
been quite a while since we've enjoyed his stellar writing, and I can't
think of a better return to comics for a creator of his caliber than
taking the reins of the flagship DC title, Detective Comics.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40