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By Mark Allen
December 12, 2009 - 08:10
Jon Geoffries has a problem with nightmares. Sometimes, he thinks he may be going insane. His doctor reassures him, however, that it is simply a “matter of brain chemistry.” However, the meds which Dr. Maxwell prescribes not only exacerbate the problem, they are the means by which a whole new world is opened up to Jon. Literally. What’s more, Jon doesn’t want to be there. However, as a “unique”, with no counterpart in this other world, individuals of both realms have nefarious designs on him.
Writer Dean Motter and artist Dennis Calero put together a sequential tale that is not “unique” in name only. Though tales of two worlds are fairly common, this one manages to pull off an air of originality, as the main character visits a world where night is day, and vice-versa. Instead of “Good day”, people say “Good night” as a greeting. Jon also gets arrested for breaking curfew…, at four in the afternoon. Strangely enough, small bits of that nature help to give this yarn an authentic feel.
Motter successfully makes Jon a sympathetic character, as he eludes those who would enthrall him, all the while fearing for his own sanity. He also creates a fine sense of tension and urgency, helping to propel the story along nicely. The only complaint on my part is that the “love scene” between Jon and Amanda/Liona seems forced and out of place, serving no clear purpose.
Calero’s art work is realistic and dynamic, and his characters are expressive. However, while successfully portraying a “dark” world, the art is sometimes exceedingly murky. Additionally, the switch from world to world is not always clearly delineated. Thankfully, however, the artist “marks” each earth for readers; one has clearly defined word balloons, the other, free-floating text. This method keeps the reader “in the know.”
As a whole, Unique is a worthwhile comics endeavor, and is recommended for older readers. Find it as comics shops, conventions, and online retailers and auctions.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20