By Avi Weinryb
March 20, 2008 - 15:00
Uncanny X-Men #495
After a trippy introduction set inside the mind of a Scott Summers (Cyclops), it is revealed that Scott and Emma Frost are on a little vacation in the Savage Land, while the rest of the divided X-team wander the Earth. After the insanity of Civil War, the X-Men continue to operate, but in a covert fashion. A flashback reveals that the X-Men continue to resist joining Tony Stark’s ‘Initiative’. Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Colossus are cutting their way across Europe, which makes for some great comedy. Nightcrawler’s image projector makes him appear to be a non-mutant, and a little prank makes him look like Angelina Jolie. It’s cultural references like these that will make this comic book a little more delicious many years down the road. Nothing extraordinary happens in this issue, likely because the creative team is treading water until the upcoming landmark 500th issue.
The art in this issue is pretty darn good. Choi’s illustrations and Sonia Oback’s color present a feast for the eyes. Cityscapes and jungles are fully realized, and Emma Frost’s sensuous figure is… well, it’s great. When Emma mentions that she doesn’t like the look Ka-Zar’s elephant gives her when she is caught kissing Scott, it seems to be a throw-away line. But the angry elephant makes his comical appearance, and his anthropomorphized features are a testament to Choi’s penciling prowess.
The interplay between Scott and Emma is strong. Their dialogue displays a relationship that continues to grow in strength as the series continues. The introduction to this issue is a real head-spinner, featuring a fictional Jean Grey confronting Scott, only to be revealed as Emma invading Scott’s dream through telepathy. Professor X remains ‘dead’, but readers can still hope that he makes a comeback in time for the 500th issue party at the mansion.