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Marvel Comics
Uncanny X-Men #529
By Hervé St-Louis
October 31, 2010 - 07:10
Emma Frost recruits Fantomex to help her get Sebastian Shaw out of Utopia under Danger’s nose. However, is a conspiracy and a secret really a secret when so many are in into the ploy? Elsewhere, aided with Rogue, Hope continues to recruit other newly discovered mutants. This time, it’s a wild creature who seems animal-like, Can Hope work her magic on the creature?
I haven’t enjoyed an issue of Uncanny X-Men in a while. This is the last book I read this week and I was dreading it. Fraction pleasantly impressed me with his work on this issue. It was decent and a fun read. I like the wild mutant Teon, although the introduction to the story took me by surprise and I thought I had missed one issue. Teon feels like a more degenerate Wildchild and so it’s interesting to meet the character, although his angle has been done before. The kids didn’t even bother me. I’m not a fan expending mutant casts but these kids may have some potential. I’m not interested in the speedster as he doesn’t bring anything new. I really like what Emma Frost had to say about aging and her grey hair this issue. It felt real and compassionate. Why has Fraction waited so long to deliver such an issue worth reading?
Portacio was not great last issue, but here, his work improves tremendously and is enjoyable. He tries to work hard on the characters’ faces and the storytelling was better. The story flowed well when read visually. However, the best pages were those by artist Harvey Tolibao. Why can’t he be the regular artist? His drawings were rich and detailed with a great quality and texture to the lines.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20