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Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #8
By Zak Edwards
March 14, 2012 - 21:01
This was nice, seeing Aunt May and Gwen Stacy however briefly enjoying life in France. As much as I wrestle with this book’s clinging to its own tropes given its space to actually shake things up, I still smiled pretty widely at the sight of two members of the old cast. Even though they stick around for only a couple of pages, their presence and their somewhat briefly calm existence was reassuring. Bendis had spent 160 issues creating a supporting cast that usually outshone the series’ protagonist, enough that I feel a genuine attachment to their well-being. Even as these people appear to be heading into some trouble, for that moment it was nice.
After this brief aside, Ultimate Spider-Man is back with the all-new, and I appreciate how the story is going. Peter Parker always had an issue keeping his identity under wraps, but this problem, while also plaguing young Miles Morales, is actually different. Ultimate Spider-Man had always needed to come up with reasons why Peter’s house wasn’t destroyed (earlier) and how he himself simply didn't get shot (earlier as well), but with a single key person knowing, I’m interested in how Miles’ uncle is going to hijack his nephew and the plot along with him. For the first time, despite the new series’ fairly high quality, I’m legitimately excited for what is going to happen rather than seeing how Bendis continually tries and fails at something new. All it took, like most of Bendis’ best work, was some time. With his characters in place, it’s nice to see things moving along with a clearer antagonist. The convention, or something like it, was starting to become necessary. The Prowler adds such an interesting dimension, I’m hoping we can see it play out over a long time. Coupled with a reintroduction of the gangster element the original series played off of so well, I appreciate how things are coming together.
After taking an issue off, Sara Pichelli is back and looking as amazing as ever. Her art is easily some of my favourite going and this issue doesn’t disappoint, and she gets a couple of character designs in to boot! While the Ringer is essentially the same, seeing the new Scorpion was pretty exciting. Her gangsters were all wonderful as well, simultaneously stereotypical and modern, an element I always appreciated in original artist Mark Bagley’s work. As it stands, Ultimate Spider-Man is one of the best looking books out there and Bendis’ script just keeps getting better.
Grade: A- Pretty exciting, a little fanfare and a lot of character.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20