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DC Comics
Trinity #1" A Review
By Zak Edwards
September 25, 2016 - 18:31
I still remember the first time I read Ultimate Spider-Man #13. I had just gotten into comics and my experiences with superheroes was still fairly limited. I loved how big comics could get, but that issue of Ultimate Spider-Man showed me that going small was sometimes braver, and oftentimes more interesting.
The issue, for those of you who don’t know, is all about a teenage Peter Parker telling his friend (and crush) Mary-Jane Watson that he’s Spider-Man. The issue takes place entirely in Peter’s bedroom and the only real “action” is the fact that Mary-Jane keeps jumping on Peter’s squeaky bed, convincing Aunt May that they’re up to something else entirely. It’s an issue that survives entirely on its characters, letting them simply be with each other and watching what happens as a result.
Trinity #1 can read a little sentimental, but great character work is always welcome, especially in superhero comics. |
Trinity #1 manages to capture this same idea with a story of Wonder Woman, Batman, Lois Lane, and Superman enjoying dinner on the Kent farm. Almost nothing happens throughout the entire issue, save for Clark’s kid accidentally blasting Diana and Bruce Wayne, but that’s about it. After that, the story is simple: some people who haven’t seen each other in awhile catch up, sort through some stuff, and socialize.
Writer and artist Francis Manapul (
The Flash,
Witchblade) brings a humanity to this issue in both script and art, hitting a sweet spot where the characters are both god-like and human all at once. For DC’s three biggest names, especially all sharing a book together, this is an accomplishment.
This is not to say that every character gets a few moments, both in the art and in the script. Batman is told memories about Robin that he doesn’t remember and subsequently has to wear one of Clark’s hideously plaid work shirts. Wonder Woman brings a boar and chats about her romantic times with Superman with Lois Lane. As for Clark, it’s clear the presence of his two closest allies is helping him out of his funk. You can watch his guards come down as the issue progresses.
Manapul also gives each member a beautiful spread that incorporates their logo into the paneling. It’s a beautiful and rare “superhero” moment in the book that realistically takes up six of its twenty pages, and each one is absolutely beautiful. Wonder Woman’s is easily my favourite:
Manapul’s confidence in the art shines on absolutely every page and he’s obviously discontent with sticking to one style. Instead, he weaves in genuine moments of big, bold beauty throughout, whether it’s a spread of Wonder Woman fighting Cheetah or the aforementioned Batman and Robin story (and yes, it involves that legendary rainbow costume).
Trinity #1 is one of the most sure-footed debuts I’ve come across and Manapul slips into these characters with grace and sincerity. While almost nothing happens overtly, the simple premise of a nice dinner together makes for a more memorable and more interesting read than the standard superhero fare. While unsustainable, this is the exact sort of apertif, as it were, to get me excited for the main course.
Francis Manapul adds some flair to panels throughout the issue. |
tl;dr review: I wish there were more comics like
Trinity Rebirth #1. We’ve become so accustomed to the structure of superhero comics that a quiet issue like this, one where the characters simply interact, is a welcome departure.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20