Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Time Masters Vanishing Point #2

By Colin Andersen
August 25, 2010 - 22:14

    You know, Time Masters Vanishing Point #2 really is not that great of a book, but it is fun. Most comic book readers would probably disagree with me on this, but I’m actually enjoying Time Masters more than Return of Bruce Wayne. Don’t get me wrong, that’s also a great book, but I just enjoy this one more, and not because I am confused about the plot of Return. This issue is just very entertaining to read and, even though the overall story doesn’t progress too much this month, it is enjoyable throughout with some good character moments.


Writer Dan Jurgens is clearly very comfortable writing the two main stars of Time Masters, Booster Gold and Rip Hunter. Even if you have never read a book featuring either of these characters you can just tell that Jurgens has a great handle on them. Rip is clearly the hardened tough one of the group, but his internal monologue that runs constantly in his sections of the book give a nice peek into how he thinks and why he thinks that way. Meanwhile, Booster is treated as the hero he should be but with a catch: he has to pretend to be his former fame-craving self, even when in the presence of fellow heroes Superman and Green Lantern, in order to protect himself from his enemies. There are some very poignant scenes where Booster is told he will “forever and always be the greatest hero the world will never know.” The scene really resonated with me and endeared me greatly to the character.

    My complaints with Time Masters don’t stem from how the characters are treated but instead some aspects of the plot. For example, I still do not see the absolute necessity of having Superman and Green Lantern in this series at all. Honestly, I feel like if Rip Hunter and Booster Gold decided they needed two other heroes to go along with them on their trip to rescue Bruce Wayne, that there were many other options that would have been better fits, such as some of the other time travelers of the DC Universe. I understand that these two have unique connections to Bruce Wayne, especially Superman, and would want to join in the search for him, but right now their inherent personality traits have interfered more with the mission. I can’t help but feel as though Rip would have taken this into account and brought someone more likely to follow his orders. I would really like to see some scenes in future issues that shows their reason for being here other than to seemingly increase sales on a Booster Gold book. That being said, their inclusion doesn’t stop the book for being an enjoyable read and they do serve to add some nice action to the mix, even though I think Rip and his new friend Claw really stole the show in the action department.

    I have heard some complaints around the internet on the art for this series, but I personally love it. I have always enjoyed Dan Jurgens artwork and the finishes by Norm Rapmund and Rodney Ramos are only making it look even better. If I had to describe it, I would say that it looks like a somewhat more cartoony Jim Lee series. It is very clean and polished and the character designs are very pleasing and, most times, have realistic proportions. Even better is that each character actually has a unique face and they don’t simply look copied and pasted from one another. There are occasional moments of odd sizing, however, especially in one panel where Superman looks strangely skinny, but for the most part, the people look very good. Where the art really falters is in the backgrounds; in most panels any given background is nothing more than shades of red or blue with next to nothing occupying that space. Occasionally there will be a structure or some kind of rock pillar, but mostly it is just empty space. It feel really lazy and does sort of detract from the artwork. The two main places the book takes place in are alien worlds so I’m sure there is something they could have figured out to add to the background.

    This is by no means a perfect book and I can honestly see why some people would enjoy Return of Bruce Wayne more. However, if you are looking for some straight superheroics, then this is the series to look to. There may not be a whole lot plot-wise going on, but it is certainly never boring and has some truly engaging characters in it. There are definitely some sections that need to be improved and if that were to happen this could be a really stand out book every month. If you want a little more Booster Gold and crazy scenarios, then look no further than Time Masters Vanishing Point.

Rating: 8.5 /10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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