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The Return Of Red Sonja
By Patrick Oliver
October 28, 2022 - 09:43
Red Sonja is a character created for Marvel Comics in the 1970's by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith. She was inspired by the main character in a Robert. E. Howard short story. As you'll know, Robert. E. Howard also created the Kull and Conan characters, who have both been brought to the 'big screen' with varying success.
I first encountered the character while I was reading various Conan comics, and she was an impressive ally and I could see that she was as strong a character and that her own stories would be as good or rounded as Conan's were.
Red Sonja is a formidable warrior and tactician, and is ripe for a competent cinematic reboot. Sword and sorcery stories are always popular and with it's mixture of up-and coming talent and established talent, this could turn out to be an enjoyable viewing experience. Who knows...if it is well-received enough, it might even spawn a sequel or television series. Time will tell.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40