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Marvel Comics
The Mighty Avengers #25
By Hervé St-Louis
June 10, 2009 - 06:50
With Jocasta locking access to the Pym pod universe to prevent Norman Osborn to access it, it’s only a matter of time until the Avengers are trapped in a sideway parallel universe forever. To fix the problem, Henry Pym needs access to some technology Bill Foster, the deceased Giant Man donated to him but which was taken by the Fantastic Four. As the Fantastic Four refuse to hand over the technology, the Avengers are preparing to infiltrate the former’s headquarter. But can Doctor Pym outsmart Reed Richards?
This issue was quite entertaining. I like the focus on Pym as an instable nerdy reject that is pushed around by so-called smarter people and commoners equally. This series is becoming the Doctor Pym redemption show and that’s not a problem. Richards’ attitude was quite contemptuous and dismissive which only increases the stakes of the upcoming fight. But the other team members also get their time in the sun with Quicksilver having joined the team for dubious reasons and Stature more interested in returning to the Young Avengers than sticking around. This series has more intrigue than New Avengers but I’m afraid that it’s not getting the attention it deserves.
Marvel Comics found another Leinil Francis Yu clone for the artwork. I’m not sure why Marvel Comics seeks to replicate so closely the work of one artist, instead of branching out and allowing artists to be themselves. Yu’s work was different and that’s why it was noted by so many. Having all those clones of him running around does service to no one. Readers aren’t idiots. It’s not the real thing and Yu’s work is always on a tight line, being admirable at once, or totally annoying. Clones tend to fall into the annoying camp rather quickly.
Rating: 8.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20