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Marvel Comics
The Mighty Avengers #17
By Hervé St-Louis
October 31, 2008 - 00:01
The story of how various Skrull infiltrators masquerading as Doctor Henry Pym were successively replaced by the Skrull agents on Earth is the highlight of this story. This story continues to offer background information on the Skrull’s secret invasion of Earth by the scribe of Marvel Comics’ summer blockbuster crossover series, Brian Bendis. How many Doctor Henry Pym stands in will it take for the right one to gel?
This is an interesting story that tells reader more about the character of Henry Pym than the Skrulls impersonators that must be replaced because they are influenced by his mind. The story itself is nothing but a big fight after the intriguing revelations are made about Pym’s inherent defect and how it influences Skrulls impersonators. There are a few problems though. Both the previous and the new Skrull replacing him share the same name Criti Nol. And showing that Pym’s mind is problematic lets us know that this is how the heroes will eventually vanquish the trap the Skrulls set through the Wasp. This has to be their Achilles’ heel.
The artwork is weird. It seems like a second rate John Romita Jr. clone. It has some of his feel, but without the tightness in design, that makes Romita’s work crisp and alluring. The linear work captures much of the feel though. Perhaps it’s the best thing to hope, for a story about a second rate Avenger.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20