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The Invincible Iron Man #25 Review
By Hervé St-Louis
May 1, 2010 - 22:21
This issue is a new start for the series after Siege, after the total mind wipe out of Tony Stark, after he lost everything to Norman Osborne. This series is a perfect jumping point for people curious about Iron Man and of course a great tie-in with the Iron Man movie. While the last few issues bored me to death with the mind travel storyline, I’m glad to see some of the drama and corporate action back in this series again. Tony Stark is an industrialist and a technologist. The series does better when it sticks to that instead of all that new age mumbo jumbo. Of course, this story ties in with the other big Stark villain who will show up for the movie, Justin Hammer – actually his daughter. I like the hint of sexism directed at her character and am glad to see he portrayed as a worthy boardroom opponent to Stark. I like the new armour, but would have liked to see how much it differs from the old one and how it could no longer be attacked the way the Skrulls did the last time. Larroca finally has good material to work with and wow readers. With him on board, this series might get a better second act than the first.
Rating: 9.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20