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The Green Hornet Parallel Lives #5
By Hervé St-Louis
November 28, 2010 - 11:35
Kato explain to Britt Reid, the Green Hornet how he came to America and why he’s so peeved at film producer Terry Goodheart while on a bust. Can Kato contain his anger long enough to put the corrupted and deviant film director in prison?
I was holding back on reviewing this series, because I was waiting for the Christmas holidays to review them all in one batch just before the film appears. This is the comic book prequel to the Green Hornet film set to debut on January 14. 2011. Of all the Green Hornet series published by Dynamite, this is the best one. It is the funniest one and the one that has the most elaborate and structured plot. Every issue so far focused on some aspect of Kato’s past and skills and linked it with Britt Reid’s own life. The formula works, although Reid/The Green Hornet takes a back seat to Kato in much of the series. It’s really Kato’s series and spotlight with Green Hornet as the sidekick. This issue explained a few more details about Kato’s arrival to America. It’s too bad that much of this stuff won’t make it in the movie because it’s a rich story that expand Kato’s character very much and makes him much more of an equal to the Green Hornet than the mere manservant we are used to. This series is the one I recommend the most for people who want to read a good Green Hornet comic book.
Raynor is a great artist. Normally, I wouldn’t care for someone with this style, but for this series, I can’t think of a better match. It’s slightly cartoony and action-packed. His storytelling is great as the action and the character move the story along without submerging the plot. If it looks a bit rough in some places, it’s not much of a problem. It’s gritty but with cool facial expressions. It really is the best-designed Green Hornet series published by Dynamite right now. I wish they would raise the level of all their other series to match this one.
Rating: 10 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20