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The Binquirer, July 25 Edition: Grant Morrison quits superheroes, Chik-fil-A fails to spin Henson Co announcement, Christian Bale visits Aurora, and much more!

By Dan Horn
July 25, 2012 - 11:25

The Binquirer isn't just an asinine pun; it's also your best source for pop-culture news. Here at the Bin, we're dedicated to making your reading experience more fulfilling, and our new aggregated news articles, The Binquirers, will keep you up to date on comic books, films, video games, and more in one frequent and concise package. Enjoy our newest installment below!

DC Comics:

The sequel to the Superman: Earth One graphic novel, Superman: Earth One, Volume Two, by JMS and Shane Davis will be released on October 31. A spokesperson for DC explained, "We really just want to see how many numbers we can put into a book's title before people begin to notice."

Grant Morrison is leaving superhero comics indefinitely next year. Apparently, Superman stopped answering Grant's tin-hat transmissions, and now Grant's super-steamed. The writer, who surprised many fans of his eccentric work by taking on Batman and All-Star Superman several years ago, currently has scripting tenure on DC's Action Comics and Batman Incorporated. Morrison, like many other prominent creators, will be migrating to Image Comics to focus on independent work. His highly-anticipated Image miniseries Happy with art by Darick Robertson begins in December. Additionally, a DC miniseries entitled Multiversity and a Wonder Woman project are still in the works, but Morrison's contributions to both should be wrapped by 2013.

We're still reeling from the news at Comic Con's DC New 52 panel that revealed that Tim Drake's Red Robin was never Batman's sidekick, i.e. Robin. Holy nonsensical and unnecessary continuity flaw, Batman! Currently, Dan DiDio is in his lair, maniacally wringing his hands. Soon, his devious scheme to destroy the credibility of comic books will be complete.

Two days ago, we reported that Batman Inc. #3 would be delayed a month because of content that may be insensitive to the Aurora shooting victims, but now TMZ is asserting that they've intercepted an email from DC to a comic book retailer that says that the book has already shipped and the publisher is requesting that the retailers themselves hold the book until August 22.

More Comics:

Former Marvel editor of the Strange Tales anthology and other titles, Jody LeHeup has joined Valiant Entertainment's editorial staff.

For Baltimore Comic Con, September 8 &9, 2012, PLB Comics will be releasing an exclusive cover to their Gideon & Sebastian: Predators & Prey #2. The indie anthology "follows the exploits of Father Gideon West, a grizzled Vampire-hunting priest who is haunted by a horrific past, and Sebastian, a happy-go-lucky Vampire bitten in his prime who has volunteered to help the Vatican exterminate the Vampire menace. This odd couple rip through vamps while constantly taking jabs at one another, all the while harboring a grudging respect for each other."

The Baltimore Comic Con will also be holding a "British Invasion" panel with such British comics talents as Mark Buckingham, Brian Bolland, and Barry Kitson, also known as Her Majesty's Alliteration Brigade.

Film and Television:

After the Jim Henson Company issued its scathing retort to Chik-fil-A's homophobic and Christian fundamentalist revelation, Chik-fil-A immediately and feebly tried its hand at damage control, attempting to recall Jim Henson Co. toys made for the restaurant's recent kids' meal promotion, citing a potential and nondescript health hazard. Considering the timing and the context, it's more than a little difficult to take very seriously. Fuck off, Chik-fil-A. I'm keeping the Muppets toys AND boycotting your delicious chicken sandwiches.

In more southern fried news, not only has Boston's mayor outlawed Chik-fil-A in his city, but now a Chicago alderman is also blocking the chain's attempt to build a Chik-fil-A location in his borough.

The SyFy network divulged that its tv series based on the DC Comics character Booster Gold was nearly through the scripting stage of its pilot episode. Please be pre-New 52 Booster! No whammies!

A television adaptation of Dan Clowes' The Landlord is being developed by HBO.

FX says its adaptation of the comic book series Powers is still in the works, but those works need to go back square one. Might I suggest not adapting the overrated drivel of Brian Michael Bendis?

In light of The Dark Knight Rises' opening weekend press tours being cancelled out of respect for the victims of the Aurora, CO, shooting, actor Christian Bale spent his time off visiting the Denver suburb and the victims of the tragedy. My review of TDKR was somewhat ambivalent, but there's no mistaking the film's message: the responsibility of the wealthy to those in need. I'm deeply moved by Bale's conviction here, and I'm just glad to see someone practice what they preach for a change.

Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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