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The Binquirer: Halloween Edition
By Zak Edwards
October 31, 2013 - 18:54
Hello and welcome to the latest
incarnation of the Binquirer, where we give you a roundup of news you
want to know about from TV, Movies, and of course Comic Books! Every
weekday, we'll provide you with the biggest news in easily digestible
chunks. Want to know more? Just click on the links provided!
Breathing old life into long overdone projects,
How I Met Your Mother’s Final Season may lead into a spinoff. The proposed dragging on of a story that’s gone on long enough already would do a gender reversal and call itself
How I Met Your Father. Awesome. More at
The Simpsons has a great couch gag for its episode “4 Regrettings and a
Funeral” that is all about
The Hobbit. It’s pretty hilarious and
entitled “Couch Gag: Part 1 of 6.” Seems they get director Peter
Jackson’s penchant for extensions! More on
Batman ’66, the comic extension of the Adam Wood Batman television series, has been getting rave reviews and there’s an exclusive preview over at the AV Club. It looks like the Cold War is back with Olga, Queen of the Cossacks. More at
The AV Club.
Cree activist Shannen Koostachin has inspired a new DC Indigenous superhero. The 15-year-old has led protests against the Canadian government about Indigenous education standards and has inspired Comic Book Bin favourite Jeff Lemire to create a new character. More on the
The Wrap has reported some details on the upcoming
Ender’s Game adaptation that may help fans of the book who aren’t rampant homophobes. Apparently Card’s movie deal was a flat fee for the movie rights, he won’t be seeing any money from the movie’s profits. So basically, boycott the book (or get it used). More at
The Wrap.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40