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Marvel Comics
The Amazing Spider-man #615
By Hervé St-Louis
January 16, 2010 - 22:37
Spider-man confronts the Sandman who has kidnapped a little girl he believes is his daughter. Thanks to the Bugle Girl, the former Daily Bugle reporter turned blogger, Spider-man can elucidate the kidnapping and find the Sandman. However, he may not like what he sees when he finally finds his old foe.
I have to admit that all the Spider-man comic books the last few months have been boring and have remained at the bottom of my reading list to the point where I only catch up with them weeks after they have been released. The story in that issue is not bad, but this is not classic Spider-man material that will make readers come back for more. There was, just after the New Day reboot, a new sense of energy in this series with the crazy life of Peter Parker and his alter ego Spider-man. Here the story only serves to reintroduce the classic Spider-man villains back in his life, although the plot do so in an original way. Yet, I just can’t get into this series. When Spider-man was the only Spider-man series one had to follow, it seems that there was more energy and things happening. Is it that the writers have been told not to shake Spider-man’s world too much as there is a big Avengers’ crossover involving his main foe, Norman Osborn? I mean, the destruction of the Daily Bugle last issue was a big event, but still I hardly care anymore.
I think one of the problems I may have with Spider-man are the artists chosen like Pulido. He is not a bad artist by any stretch. In fact, I like seeing Spider-man with big winter socks and a tuque. But while an accomplished artist, he makes this run feel like and old Ann Nocenti story which is not what I want to read here. I really feel conflicted here, because the artist is a top talent matched to a series that doesn’t fit his style. I really like his rendition of the Sandman, but it’s not the stuff that makes me want to read Spider-man every week.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20