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Marvel Comics
Steve Rogers Super Soldier #1
By Hervé St-Louis
July 25, 2010 - 13:32
Why have only one Captain America series when you can have two? Steve Rogers is chasing the grandson of the man who created the serum that transformed him into Captain America. He wants to sell the serum to the highest bidder and Rogers is here to stop that. But the chase ends quickly as another villain enters the fray. First Eaglesham is a great artist and perfect for this series. He gives majesty to his characters. His characters always remind me of guys like Lou Fine. He really worked at distinguishing every character. I was expecting all the men to be big brutes. He tends to draw a lot of them. They weren’t. The story was good, although it conflicts with recent developments in the former Avengers the Initiative series where another Erskine grandson was featured. The story is a classic spy story with the casino shots. It’s interesting so far, but it’s hard to justify another series on this character when he already shows up in Secret Avengers and practically every Avengers’ book around.
Rating: 8.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20