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Marvel Comics
The Amazing Spider-man #589
By Hervé St-Louis
March 30, 2009 - 20:19
This issue one of the Kingpin’s former hired villain, Spot returns with a vengeance. He wants to kill a Russian mobster that took something from him. As Spider-man was investigating the mobster, he soon finds that he has to do the right thing and help the thug escape from the super powered villain’s pursuit. It’s a game of chess as Spots creates small portals that trick his opponents.
I like how both the artist and the writer created impeccable storytelling this issue. How Spot uses his portals to trick Spider-man makes him a very dangerous villain to fight. It also uses many visual tricks that were fun to watch. It’s fun to have an artist that can translate and explore the various means a super fight can go while entertaining readers thoroughly. For some reasons, this was the last comic book I read this week as although the artwork is very good, the comic book felt too dense for me to jump in. Well, perhaps it was all the visual tricks or just the look of Spot that discouraged me. I’m a believer now and this issue, visually rocked!
I’ve never read anything by Van Lente before, although he seems to have been working in the comic book industry for some time. I really liked what I read this issue. The story was simple, yet complex. There was strong motivations and characterization. There was also some humour which is always good with Spider-man. I hope he returns for more stories.
Rating: 9.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20