By Philip Schweier
July 19, 2017 - 04:43
Spencer & Locke has come to an
enjoyable conclusion, filled with the same kind of childhood angst depicted in
flashback style we’ve come to expect; tragic in a way, but thankfully not
As for the greater mystery that Locke has been investigating, it comes to a satisfying resolution. Nothing too easy for an armchair detective like myself (I’ve read too many of those lately), but sensible when one knows the answer. It fulfills the basics of Occam’s Razor without dumbing down below the reader’s level.
looking at the overall series through a sharper lens, I see subtleties to the
artwork I may have overlooked before, and recognize how newcomer Santiago has
risen to the challenge of a four-issue series. I am confident he has a bright
future in comics if he can maintain this same level of work.
But in a way, I’m disappointed in Spencer & Locke. Disappointed that it’s ended, and disappointed I’ll have to wait indefinitely for the next installment. Perhaps four issues was too short, but I’d much rather see four very well done issues, than see it padded out to make the obligatory six most trade paperbacks are comprised of. Lower page count = lower price point = more sales. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Rating: 10/10