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Digital Comics
Sloppy Job Corrected
By Hervé St-Louis
October 29, 2013 - 20:24
When my friend Andy Doan encouraged me to finally create The German Cousin professionally, I think I did a half-assed job and only managed to draw one page. I ever liked that page. Everything was rushed. I was trying to finish it quickly instead of taking the proper time to draw it. I also didn't take the proper time to practice drawing massively again, after hiatus of a year.
Well, that Web comic never went anywhere but the story is still here. I lost a lot of stuff in that flood in Calgary, but I didn't lose the original pages of the German Cousin I drew way back 20 years ago. Of all the stuff I could bring with me in Toronto, the only drawings I've brought was the first version of that comic book I did as an undergrad.
Thank God I saved those drawings. Now I can try my hand at finishing this comic book once and for all, almost 20 years after I had the original idea and drew the first 75 pages in about a month.
So here's a panel I've reworked. I'm a bit more careful, but I'm still not pleased with the end result. I'll do a few more try before I can be satisfied and ready to go. But now, unlike in 2009, I draw every day of the week. I make time for it. Just like going to the gym...
2009 |
The first panel is the 1994 version. The second is the 2009 version. The last drawing is the 2013 version.
You decide which one's the best. I'm not done yet.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20