Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

Skaar Son of Hulk #1

By Hervé St-Louis
June 28, 2008 - 10:00

When the Incredible Hulk landed on planet Sakaar, when the exile imposed on him by a cabal of Earth’s super heroes, known as the Illuminati failed, the brute had to fight his way to the top of the hierarchy of this strange and savage planet where everyone is a warrior. Having found a wife, Hulk made himself king of Sakaar and while his queen was expecting a child, most of Sakaar was destroyed. But the queen could not abandon her son and protected him enough so he could come back one day and take his place as his father’s son. And thus Skaar Son of Hulk was born.


This story tells us little about Sakaar and how it is there. It assumes that readers are already familiar with it from the Planet hulk storyline. So far, Skaar Son of Hulk is like a Conan story set on another planet. It’s a brutal place and it seems that Skaar will have to fight his way to overcome challenges and maybe one day finds his father. I’m not too keen on the premise of this story as it’s a concept that has been done many times. Again, it’s like a Marvelized Conan story. It also seems that Skaar is too powerful, which is not a good thing. No clear supporting cast has been set thus far, making the story even less interesting. So far, I am not convinced that series deserves to last or that I even want to read more about Skaar. If I want to read about a green brute, I can stick to Hulk.


Garney excels at this type of stories where he can use his loose style to create a fiery backdrop and rely on his excellent storytelling skills to give us a kinetic story where each blow from Skaar and the other characters seem to reverberate outside of the panel all the way to the hands of the reader. His characters look imposing and his creatures have a touch of the crazy demons Todd McFarlane likes to draw. While, the story is not compelling, the art does entertain.


Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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