
Sending Review Material

By The Editor
November 1, 2006 - 11:48

ComicBookBin accepts review material from vendors at any time. We receive a lot of review material so your submission has to compete with a lot of other products. Here are a few hints to make sure that we do review material you send us.

Please, do not send press releases to the addresses below. Please read our instructions on how to send us press releases and news material here.

1- What do you accept?

We accept DVDs, Blu-Rays, printed comic books, books, and video games for Xbox 360, Playstation 2, and Wii.

2- Do you review everything you receive?

We try to review everything we receive, whether you are a large media group or a small publisher operating out of your basement. As of this writing, we have not refused to review material from any vendor. As long as it's legal, we'll review it!

3- How fast do you review review material?

This depends on whom reviews your material. For example, publisher Hervé St-Louis gets more than his share of review material with piles increasing all the time. He will often have over 60 pieces of material sitting on his desk, waiting to be reviewed. He may not be the fastest reviewer, has he has a lot of other duties related to managing the Web site. However, he can be trusted to eventually review everything he receives.

Don't expect reviews to match launch dates. Send them way in advance to be safe.

4- Any tricks to make sure I get a speedy review?

Help us promote the Johnny Bullet web comic and we'll definitely notice you! We receive a lot of press releases every day. Since 2002 we have helped thousands of creators and never asked anything in return. Time is short for us and we have to make choices. Help us, and we'll help you.

5- Do you return items once they are reviewed?

We do not return items as it would be cost prohibitive to do so. If you send us something, expect us to keep it. Please be aware that our team is spread all over the world. We have writers in Canada, the United States, Asia and Europe.

6- Can we pay for a review?

No you can't. You are welcome to purchase advertising from us at all time, but reviews are totally independent of advertising at ComicBookBin.

7- Can I post a copy of the review you guys wrote on my Web site or elsewhere?

Unfortunately, you can't and we never authorize anyone to reprint our articles. Just because you have sent us review material does not give you the right to publish in whole a review we have written about your products. If you have seen some our reviews copied entirely, know that this was not authorized and that once we find out about it, we will take measures to have the plagiarized article taken down immediately. We do it all the time, and we are not nice about it.

8- How do I let my audience know about your reviews?

You may quote a few lines  - we suggest no more than three sentences from our reviews. If these three sentences are an entire paragraph to themselves or a substantial amount of a short article, we strongly suggest that you quote less.

It's called fair usage, in the industry. You quote just a few lines to let your audience get an idea of our opinion. However, you must always give the the source of your quotes. Add the name of the writer, followed by the name of the site, ComicBookBin when quoting one of our articles or alternatively, you quote the source as being ComicBookBin.

If you want to add a link to our full article, next to the quote, you may.

9- Can I send you digital review material?

You can but if you do, we ask that you tweet a link or post a link to your Facebook page about Johnny Bullet or do something to help us promote this cool web comic. Help us, and we'll help you too.

10- What contact information should I include?

Always include full contact information in anything you send to us. That includes your email address.

11- Where do I send my stuff to? Any Physical Address?

Please send an email to Hervé St-Louis to know where to send review material.


Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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