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Secret Six #19
By Josh Dean
March 11, 2010 - 16:31
Gail Simone can write a team book like few others working today. Her Birds of Prey run was stellar and the Secret Six is everything fans of the defunct Suicide Squad could ever want. The group dynamics keep evolving (mainly because people keep dying and/or betraying the team) and every new twist guarantees more action.
So, then, why does this latest issue feel like a bit of a let down? Coming off a spectacular run of stories co-written by John Ostrander, Simone picks up the issue following two plot threads. In one, a team of cocky assassins has been ordered to attack Cheshire (former Secret Sixer and the baby momma of Catman’s child). In the other, we follow our “heroes” as they infiltrate and attack a compound belonging to a certain cult that gives the Teen Titans problems every now and again.
Catman Comin Atcha! |
As a standalone issue, this hits all the right buttons. There is great action, funny interplay, rising suspense and well-placed characterization. Taken as part of the overall run…things are getting a touch repetitious. Will Ragdoll say something horribly disturbing? Check. Will Bane essentially role his eyes at how unprofessional the team is? You betcha. Will one or more of the team members be turned against the others? And how. Simone seems to have a formula for this series that, to a long-time reader, is coming across as a bit familiar. Somehow, this familiarity does not diminish the enjoyment as much as it would under less gifted writers. Simone spends a good portion of the issue opening fresh wounds and animosities between the Six (and Scandal Savage) that create the perfect cliff hanger. When one member is asked to kill the others, it becomes difficult to figure out why he or she shouldn’t.
Calafiore has advanced greatly even since his stint on Gotham Underground. He can handle the grotesque as well as the straight up action. There is not a ton of diversity in his figure work but, given the script, he is called on to draw several groups of similar people here so a little variety would have helped a bit. He also does not skimp on the backgrounds or the Black Ops outfits of the team. Art teams that work well don’t draw too much attention to themselves so this team is generally strong.
This story line has the potential to shock and surprise the readers or go exactly where it probably will go but, either way, it is worth checking out.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20