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Marvel Comics
Secret Avengers #3
By Hervé St-Louis
August 1, 2010 - 12:57
Nova is the new Serpent King and it’s up to the Avengers to stop him. Even the old guardian Archon, put there to defeat him by the Watchers is of little use. Can the Avengers stop Nova in time?
This issue is much more interesting than the previous ones and the distinction between the Secret Avengers and the real Avengers by now is gone. They are just Avengers fighting the good fight. I’m not sure how the Serpent Crown shown here relate to the old Serpent Crown that caused so many problems to past Avengers team and it’s surprising to see that Steve Rogers, the former Captain America cannot link the two together. If anyone should have done so and has the expertise and history, it’s him. I’m intrigue by Nick Fury’s allegiance to the Shadow Council and it seems like a very interesting story brewing with him and the Avengers in the future about his mix allegiances. If it becomes a dominant theme of this series, it will be worthwhile. I wasn’t sure if I should pick up this series more, but I think I will. It’s actually more fun than the regular Avengers series by Bendis and Romita Jr.
The art also looks much better With Deodato continuing to grace the pages with remarkable pencils and strong action sequences. Few Marvel Comics look so good these days.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20