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Review: Scooby Apocalypse #35
By Philip Schweier
March 13, 2019 - 05:13
The penultimate chapter in a story that has run much longer than I ever expected. Could it go longer? Perhaps. Should it? Perhaps not. I don’t believe in padding a story simply to meet a page count. So if the un-life has run out of these particular Scooby monsters, so be it. Time to pull the plug.
In this chapter, the Nanite King has obliterated the survivors’ refuge within the Henry Hudson Mall in Albany, New York. And he has seemingly taken many of his monster minions with him. Only handful of survivors remain, including the one-time Mystery, Inc., as well as their companions Daisy and Cliffy, and the Brothers Dinkley.
Thankfully, the Dinkleys have their own refuge in Sacramento, and with access to greater tech and resources, Velma is committed to finding the solution to the nanite virus that has infected humanity. But the Nanite King is not without his own plan, and is prepared to put it in motion before Velma can focus her first microscope.
The art in this issue is weaker than before, in my opinion. It has a sketchy quality, especially on some of the larger panels that depict scale and vistas (shattered shopping malls, crowded scenes, etc). As the series winds down, I can’t blame the art team for cutting corners, especially when their quality of work has been so consistent (until now). Perhaps they’re tired, and see light at the end of the tunnel. That’s okay, but I hope the final issue is a grand slam blowout.
Rating: 5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20