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Scheme Comix # 1

By Patrick Oliver
September 2, 2010 - 16:07


Benny and the Jets

The first thing that hits you when you look at Scheme comix #1 is the quality of the cover and packaging. It is extremely high. I don't mind admitting I was pleasantly surprised, mainly because I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The second thing that hits you about this issue is the vibrant fun of the cover illustration and text. It made me smile when I looked at it because I knew that this was going to be a fun experience and that the surprises were going to keep coming.

I'm sorry, I mentioned the cover and you haven't even seen it properly yet! How rude.


Isn't that cool? It's creative and fabulously detailed. I like the wit contained within the imagery on the cover.

Inside the smiles keep coming. There is a sprightly foreword by the editor, Dr Coggs Leftbridge MD that had me chortling. And I was happy to see that this Glasgow published comic book is supported by the arts trust Scotland.


The first story in this anthology is called 'Joe King, Future Detective'. It is an enjoyably pulpy read with an excellent video gag at it's start (I missed it first time around), and a solid story in which our main character takes on a job that looks like it may just have more to it than he bargained for. It is treated with a light touch and hits it's stride straightaway. The artwork is very good and there is a nice mix of panels and perspectives that speed the eye along without once losing sight of the narrative.

'Space Kittens 1,2,3,4!' Has more great artwork and witty lines and is a fun glimpse into the lives of a female crew in deep(ish) space with a very nice visual punch line at it's conclusion.


'Dining with St Peter', is a delightful stand off between two super powered beings. There is some fantastic wordplay and imagery and it features a subtle game of mental chess that proves not all is as it first appeared and not all super beings need to level cities in order to end a confrontation.

'Break on Through: A Journey Beyond the 4th Dimension!' is a story with a fantastic twist that wouldn't be out of place on 'The Outer limits' or 'Armchair Theatre'. Once again, Kev Harper gives us inspired visuals to feast on and T. Bye gives us a story to give us goose bumps. 


The final tale, 'Tijuana Bible co.' features two drifters meeting while travelling  the road and quickly realising they are a very good fit. Undoubtedly dangerous individually, as a team they could well be devastating. This could get interesting.

Scheme comix #1 is great fun. It's a very well put together Science Fiction anthology by highly talented people, with a wonderful sense of mischief and not a little menace contained within it's pages. 


For more information about Happy World productions and Scheme Comix, please email:

Rating: 9.5 /10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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