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Robot 13 #3
By Dan Horn
March 24, 2010 - 11:17
Robot 13 #3 |
Blacklist Studios' quarterly horror/adventure comic
Robot 13 has been earning some serious accolades from critics and fans of the genre. Move over Mike Mignola! Thomas Hall and Daniel Bradford are the new champions of the horror comic.
In the first two issues of the series, we've been introduced to the peculiar Robot 13, who was dragged up from the ocean depths by a fishing crew's nets during the first years of WWII. With very little recollection of who he is or how he came to be exactly, Robot 13 embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery. Writer Thomas Hall infuses the tale with some interesting allusions to ancient Crete, and fetters 13's quest with plenty of monstrosities (like the Kraken and the Cyclops) straight out of Greek lore.
This third installment of the "Colossus!" story arc has been the most solid and entertaining issue thus far. Thomas Hall throws in a brilliant homage to
Frankenstein as the blind hermit Oliver takes the unconscious (due to a crash-landing atop a Phoenix) robot into his home, believing 13 is a downed fighter pilot. Bradford's artwork is exquisite as usual. Strangely angular and asymmetrical profiles, heavily inked shadows, and tons of terrifying beasts: this is some of the most unique and enthralling horror illustrating I've seen in the past decade. There's never a dull moment within the pages of
Robot 13. This is a must-read.
Robot 13 #3 can be ordered directly from Digital and mobile versions are also currently available from,, and iTunes. The series has also been nominated for the 2009 Rondo Awards' "Best Horror Comic Book." Check out for information on voting for
Robot 13.
Rating: 9.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20