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Review: Superman #2 (2016)
By Andy Frisk
July 6, 2016 - 17:34
The rebirth of the Post-Crisis Superman continues as he uses his most recent opportunity to exhibit some super heroics as a teachable moment for his young son Jon. Thus far, this new Superman series is pulling out all the stops to make Superman both fresh and traditional at the same time. So far so good. This is one of the most interesting takes on Superman since the 1980s when he was rebooted (the right way).
Gleason's cover to Superman #2 |
s Happening: Superman and his young son Jon, who's developing his half human/half Kryptonian powers at an uneven rate, fly to the rescue of a stranded nuclear submarine in the arctic. Superman manages to save the sub, much to the concern of the crew who is initially unsure of his motives, only to have it attached by a techno enhanced super sized squid. Clark/Superman gets Jon involved in the battle and a wonderful "teachable moment" arises that Clark and Jon both take advantage of. Jon's powers aren't developing at an even rate, as we learn later in the story, and a threat from the past arises to once again attempt to preserve the last vestiges of Kryptonian life...
The Writing: Tomasi and Gleason do an excellent job pacing and bringing new life to what is a much told tale: that of the ever changing and evolving father and son relationship. We are truly, and finally, in new territory as far as Superman tales are concerned. We haven't witnessed a story like this before in the Superman cannon of stories. It's fresh, new, exciting, touching and familiar all at the same time. I can only hope that the powers that be at DC Comics decide to keep this (Post Crisis) version of Superman as THE Superman going forward. I, along with legions of fans, would be totally disappointed if this is just another marketing ploy. The overwhelming sense that this might not be the status quo for long though hangs over every enjoyable moment of this return of the Superman that so many readers of my generation loved. It makes each storytelling move by Tomasi and Gleason here a highly cherished one.
The Artwork: Gleason's slightly cartoon-like art, with its heavy lines and manga-like expressions, is perfect for this new/old take on Superman (and son). He manages to capture a lighter sense of the character, as well as a more hopeful one with the simple, yet stunning, icon in the making poses he draws the characters in. The image where Jon rips off his jacket to reveal a S-Shield shirt (one that he clandestinely wore under his jacket) defines what this new "Superboy" is all about both spiritually and contextually. That is the power of great sequential art. It tells you everything you need to know about a character without nary a descriptive bubble necessary.
The Verdict: I'm reading
Superman comics again since just after the initial launch of the New 52 with its poor re-imagining of the character, so thus far score this new
Superman series as a win for DC Comics. It really has stirred a rebirth in my interest in my overall favorite individual superhero.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20