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Review: Superman #10
By Andy Frisk
November 2, 2016 - 22:20
Superboy/Jon Kent is still having problems controlling his superpowers, but Batman might be able to help with finding out why...that is if Jon and Damien/Robin don't tear apart the Batcave first. Their super fathers might both have something to say about that, but kids will be kids. Full of action, humor and drama, the first meeting between Superboy and Robin in the Rebirth era makes Superman #10 one of the best single issues of a DC Comics' Rebirth title published yet.
Damien Wayne is a brat, and it's great to see him knocked down a peg or two by just about the only other super kid on the block who can do so. The first meeting between the two could have gone better, but considering the history between their fathers, it could have gone way worse. No, if these two kids ended up inheriting even the smallest amount of the honor and integrity of their fathers, they will eventually end up fast friends. Kids will be kids though, and these two seem destined to duke it out first before hugging it out.
Patrick Gleason's artistic style perfectly fits both his and Tomasi's story. Gleason's art has always walked a thin line between sinister and cartoonish and both elements serve the story perfectly. The story is really about two kids who will definitely be rivals, but who will develop a fast friendship out of that rivalry eventually. The full page that Gleason devotes to Jon's punching of Damien in the gut is priceless. It's both funny, and a little scary. These are super kids pounding on each other after all.
DC Comics' Rebirth keeps rolling along and
Superman is quickly becoming a jewel in the crown of the new line of titles. It's no longer great just because the best incarnation of Superman is back. It's great because Tomasi and Gleason are telling some of the best Superman stories in decades.
Rating: 10 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20