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Who's Who - Rev. O.J. Flow
By Hervé St-Louis
July 27, 2012 - 15:04
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Rev. O.J. Flow was blogging before I knew what blogging was about. His first articles were published simultaneously @
ComicBookBin and O.J. chose to name himself a
reverend, although at the time he was closer to being a banker in the bustling city of Chicago. O.J. was a fan of DCDirect action figures just like yours truly and it’s how I first got in touch with him after he posted a long blog-like post about comics, action figures, sports and celebrities all at once. Nowadays many people just write like that without any concerns for paragraphs and proper article-like editing. But what O.J. was really doing was channelling the nascent blogging movement and telling it in his own words and without the restrictions of traditional media writing.
His, was a syndicated column and his goal was to reach as many people as possible. But O.J. also started something that would colour ComicBookBin and remained in its DNA. He was political and not ashamed of it. O.J. is a progressive, a liberal. Following 911, it wasn’t always easy to be one, and extended debates with right-wingers was part of the game. O.J. revelled in it and made no qualms about bringing that kind of flavour to his articles. I have always been also very political, but in these early days, starting ComicBookBin, I was much more squeamish about posing my personal political views on a comic book site dedicated to comic books. Those were the good old days indeed.
O.J. has since moved on to other venues. You can find his latest blog posts on his own blog and also at
Newsarama. O.J. flow’s first article @ComicBookBin was in June 2003.
Who's Who @ComicBookBin
is a feature celebrating the 10th anniversary of ComicBookBin where
publisher Hervé St-Louis features writers past and present that have
contributed to ComicBookBin over the years.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20