An article in an online newspaper ( today reveals some of the first reactions to the news that Disney has bought Lucasfilm outright. This is a massive boulder in the pond of the entertainment industry and the ripples from it may be felt for many months if not years to come.
"THE sudden announcement that George Lucas is selling the company behind Star Wars to Disney has prompted an angry response from many fans. But several critics believe this could be just what the franchise needs.
Disney, after buying Lucasfilm for $4.05bn, has confirmed that Star Wars Episode 7 is scheduled for release in 2015.
While the Twittersphere was abuzz with prospective Disney-meets-Star-Wars film titles - Leia and the Tramp, Jabba the Pooh, When you wish upon a Death Star - the general tone was not positive.
"News of Star Wars Episode 7 instantly surpasses Sandy as the biggest disaster of the week," wrote one tweeter, while another asked: "Have we not suffered enough?"