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Pinky & Stinky
By Christine Pointeau
January 8, 2008 - 17:51
The envelope was submerged by the stack of mail when I got back from a few days away from home. I grabbed it like a kid at Christmas, knowing it contained the much awaited Indy Comics announced by the Comic Book Bin.
I pulled out two books, of which Pinky & Stinky immediately caught my attention, first by the amusing cover, then by the title.
The story: Pinky and Stinky are two piglets on a mission to Pluto. Space is a dangerous place, however, and their rocket is hit by an asteroid, forcing them to crash land on the moon.
They encounter working men astronauts from the moon base, some of which are not very nice at all, and do not take the piglets seriously.
Stinky: “I think they don’t like us ‘cause we are too fat.”
Pinky: “They’re jealous.”
Stinky: “Do you think I’m too fat?”
Pinky: “What!? Off course not.”
Pinky: “Our fat makes us BETTER astronauts. We can better survive long trips through space.
Do not underestimate these two little piglets. They prove to be quite resourceful in their dealing with the men and the aliens living under the surface in ice cites.”
I loved that Pinky and Stinky have distinct personalities. Stinky is easy going, taking things in stride, while Pinky takes everything more seriously. They make a good team.
The book is a quick read. The story has the general feel of being written on the spot, in the manner children make up a story and enact characters as they play along. There is little of a plot per se, though the story has a beginning, climax, and conclusion of sorts.
It is visually very simple and pleasing to the eye. Printed in dark blue ink - common among indy prints – it instantly creates a soft atmosphere. It has stamp like quality, uncluttered, down to the basic essentials of blue lines, white space and blue space. Through this simplicity, emotions and action are effectively and gracefully communicated.
Though I hesitate to use the word “cute,” it is -this being in no way meant in any way to limit its value. All in all, I enjoyed reading Pinky & Stinky’s adventures on the moon -it made me feel like a little kid- and will seek out more of Kochalka’s work in the future.
Till next time,
See you at the book store...
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20