Comics / Digital Comics

Palm Pre Sponsors The Prisoner's Web Comic Book

By Hervé St-Louis
August 7, 2009 - 07:03

Attendees of the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con were given free copies of The Prisoner comic book adaptation of the new series inspired by the cult classic from the 1960s. Marvel Comics’ studio provided the creative work for the eight-pages giveaway comic book series.  AMC, a US television channel and independent film studio is the producer of the mini-series and the comic book.  The series is set to appear in November 2009.

Palm, Inc. the makers of the critically acclaimed and award winning smart phone that is the first direct competitor to the iPhone sponsors the comic book and the television series through product placement and official branding. For example, the phone used by Six (played by Jim Caviezel) is a Palm Pre. Ian McKellen joins Caviezel as Number Two, the man that oversees the village where all the inmates are locked in and cannot escape from.

Palm’s initial promotional campaign "Go with the Flow," featuring Canadian actress Tamara Hope, has generated negative views from public which finds the advertisement creepy. Using a comic book and a television series to promote the Palm Pre may show users more features of the phone than the cryptic monologue of the "Go with the Flow" campaign. Comic book readers that were not able to attend the San Diego Comic-Con can still download this comic book from for free in The Prisoner’s mini site as an Adobe Acrobat file.

As a digital comic book, the Acrobat version of The Prisoner is not optimized for Web viewing though a computer screen or even the Palm Pre. Perhaps Palm, AMC and Marvel Comics should have better optimized the digital version of the comic book so that readers may want to use a Palm Pre to read this comic book.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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