Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Review: Nightwing #34


By Philip Schweier
December 6, 2017 - 15:50

I’m not usually given to spoilers, but in this case, I will make an exception. Raptor was a major pain in my ass, and I’m glad he’s dead.

Y’see, I haven’t followed Nightwing until about 27 issues ago. All I really knew was he was Dick Grayson’s adult super-hero identity, and Dick had briefly given it up during the New 52, when he was an agent for Spyral. So when I picked up Nightwing #7 (the Rebirth version), I was surprised to learn of this guy who had some nebulous claim to Dick Grayson’s upbringing.

At first, he just seemed to be Dick’s espionage mentor, but as the series progressed I learned the attachment went further back than that. Apparently he was devoted to Dick’s mother, but when the Flying Graysons were being murdered, Raptor was under the bleachers of Haley’s Circus trying to figure out how to lift Bruce Wayne’s watch.


It’s not like the guy has been a major player in Dick’s life, like Bruce, or Barbara Gordon, or even Jason Todd. Even Starfire has greater claim to Nightwing’s emotional real estate.

I don't object to the occasional ret-con, if it improves the overall lore of the franchise. But sometimes I think DC wants us to believe the ret-con in question was always there. That Cyborg was never a Teen Titan, and Alan Scott was always gay.

So Raptor’s Revenge” comes to its inevitable conclusion. Nightwing wins, Raptor loses – is anyone really surprised. The Run-Offs finally abandoned the stigma of former villainy and embraced potential super-heroism. It’s about time.

And Blockbuster? Well, I’m not going to reveal everything.

Rating: 8/10

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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