Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Review: Mother Panic Gotham A.D. #5


By Philip Schweier
July 25, 2018 - 05:21

Violet Paige is discovering fresh allies in this new Gotham City she’s found herself in. She already has her wannabe sidekick, Fennec Fox, a vengeful child eager to take her anger out on others. Lethal? You betcha.

This world’s Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy appear surprisingly cooperative, though it may be simply they share a common enemy: former Robin Jason Todd. He is a far darker presence in this world than he is in the mainstream DCU. It’s only a matter of time before Jason and Violet’s paths cross.

Because Mother Panic is an entirely new character, this title could stand a few familiar (if not friendly) faces. I’ve read a handful of alternate reality DC comics in recent months (Gotham Garage and Bombshells), and they all have that “same but different” approach. Hero or villain, I welcome seeing the new variants on old favorites.

Still, one of the great things about Mother Panic is that it’s not necessarily beholden to mainstream DC continuity. The opportunities are endless, to create engaging characters and tell compelling stories that might not be suitable for other titles. I hope DC Editorial recognizes that potential, and can avoid simply telling yet another super-hero story.

Rating: 7/10

Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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