By Patrick Bérubé
July 13, 2009 - 15:30
Moréa Doloniac is on the list to inherit the Cuban-based Doloniac World Company, one of the world's most powerful conglomerates, worth many billions of dollars. The only bad news is that, being the grand niece of the original founder, she is 34th in the line of succession, which leave her working as a lowly software creator. Nevertheless, when a mysterious group stage a coup inside the company, every Doloniac is targeted so the company can change hands. They might have succeeded if Morea had not woken up in the ambulance after being declared dead. Being the only survivor of the attack she will find herself propelled in the direction of the DWC and it will be revealed to her the she is a member of the Dragon, a clan of immortals secretly fighting a seemingly endless battle with the Angels, their opposing clan, for the fate of the world. With her new found resources and under the training of Terkio the knight, Morea will now face the forces of evil to decide whether the planet will become a earthly paradise or a hell.
Christophe Arleston is a well known writer in Europe since he is the creator of Lanfeust de Troy, Soleil's leading franchise (and yes I dare use the word franchise). With Moréa, which began in 2000, he does not stray too far from what I call the Soleil model: a sexy heroine, a touch of humor and adventure, either a fantasy or science-fiction backdrop, some sexual allusions and appealing visuals. This
might explain why I was not particularly interested by it. Even if the story is entertaining, there was nothing outstanding about it. Characters are almost caricatures of a single personality trait, the intrigue rest on a weak premise and I can't say that I appreciate the humor solely based on sexual allusions. I found myself caring more about the overall clan feud than the individual taking part in it. But even with these flaws this first volume is high on action and revelations.
French Canadian Thierry Labrosse is the one providing the art (but not the color) for this first volume. Having read the first five volumes in a row (thanks Public Library!), I would be tempted to judge his work on how much better he will become as the series progresses. In this first volume, his lines are not yet as clear as they need to be and the backgrounds would benefit from a more detailed pencil. Still, he can draw very good body and facial expressions. The characters are fluid and they have a sense of movement. I also have to admit that when it comes to the ladies, Labrosse definitely has a talent for drawing them.
An entertaining series from Soleil's mold. If you are looking for an action/science-fiction series that won't ask too much effort to read, Moréa is for you.
Rating: 7 /10