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Marvel Comics
Mighty Avengers #36
By Hervé St-Louis
May 1, 2010 - 22:05
Doctor Pym must fight his son Ultron, but doing so may make an enemy of Jocasta. Will Pym defeat his most treacherous creation or will he die trying? I must be the only person who like Pym enough to have enjoyed this series as I am now. This series, more than any other has been the one that was meant to fix the character and it has. Pym’s been broken since Jim Shooter played with him and made him a wife beater. Here, all his weaknesses are revealed as strengths. He’s no longer just another crazy genius super hero who puts on a costume. I’m not sure what the plans are for this series after the Siege, but I,d like Pym to come back and be used once more in more Avengers stories. Of course, Pham and Yeung continue to create strong visuals for this story. I’m not completely a fan, but I’d rather see the two work on this series rather than a poorer team. It feels like Jeff Williams but not as tight. By the way, there may be a way for the Wasp to comeback as was revealed in this issue. It will be good to see what comes of that.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20