By Philip Schweier
June 13, 2018 - 04:38
not often I am thrilled by a comic book. I’ve read so many over the years, my
sensibilities have been dulled, and I’m convinced there’s very little to get
excited about in the world of comic books. I’m not sure if Bendis writing
Superman changes that, as what little work of his I’ve read I don’t remember.
But he’s doing great work here.
There’s a
rash of suspicious fires in Metropolis, and to help investigate, Superman has
called in the best investigator he knows. This leads to witty banter between
the two of them – two heroes who observe a thing line between respect and
rivalry. But Superman is called away, so suddenly that even Batman must
comment, “If the politest man in the galaxy has to be somewhere so fast he
can’t even say good-bye…there’s a good reason.”
Indeed there is. An enormous personal offense compounded by a heinous crime of world-ending proportions. I’m not given to hyperbole, so rest assured, this is a BIG deal.
Adding to the gravitas of the events is the scale of the illustrations by Sook, Fabok and Von Grawbadger. From the Fortress of Solitude to Metropolis, there is a much broader sense of place, which combined with Bendis’ writing, drew me alongside Superman in flight.
Perhaps it’s the fresh perspective by an acknowledged superstar writer, but this is a remarkably solid series (so far) that may set the standard for other Super-titles, if Bendis can maintain this level of storytelling. Judging by his reputation, I see no reason why he won’t.