Comics / Spotlight

Who's Who - Leroy Douresseaux

By Hervé St-Louis
July 27, 2012 - 16:16

Leroy Douresseaux has been a writer and an editor @ComicBookBin since July 2003. I’ve been told by other ComicBookBin writers that Leroy is my favourite. I feel like a parent and would always respond like a typical parent and say “All writers @ComicBookBin matter to me.” But let’s be honest here, if you have been following ComicBookBin for a number of years, you’ll agree with me that Leroy Douresseaux is one of the pillars behind ComicBookBin.

Leroy is a great friend too and I know him very well. He has been very patient with me over the years. There are lots of stories about how much of a J. Jonah Jameson I can be with writers sometimes. I’m not the nicest guy. But Leroy has never been afraid to let me know that any screw up I blame on writers is usually and ultimately because of me. He’s that honest and frank. It hurts sometimes, but Leroy speaks his mind and you cannot bullshit him. Having said that, he’s earned his right to tell it like it is with the dedication and work he has done @ComicBookBin.

Leroy writes and writes and writes. I can’t verify it, but often I’m ashamed that Leroy may have written more articles @ComicBookBin than me. Yeah, He’s probably the most prolific writer. The problem is architectural. I can’t really count how many articles I’ve written because I’m the site’s administrator and all articles fall under my account. But unlike Leroy, I am not consistent. Leroy is an organized writer. He knows what he’s written prior and when he needs to review his next piece. He writes notes about his reviews and organizes them is his own database. You see, Leroy was writing way before I did for his own movie blog He had written a thousand movie reviews before I wrote my first five articles. Whereas I go about writing about whatever strikes me for the day, sometimes forgetting if I’ve written a review for a particular book already, Leroy knows exactly where he is at and is disciplined and thorough about his work.

It is that dedication and thoroughness that have made him one of the most popular and sought after reviewer @ComicBookBin. Leroy delivers and writes consistently. Many Web writers and bloggers do not understand the value of being consistent in one’s work. It’s a game, it’s for glory. But the constraints of being disciplined and organized are not for all.

But all of these qualities are useless if one cannot write. Let me tell you Leroy can write. Leroy has the ability to touch readers by spicing his writing with short quips that most will not expect. But they will either anger you or make you roll on the floor filled with laughter. Leroy also knows how to get to the point. You will not escape from one of his reviews or columns without understanding thoroughly what the topic or the comic book was about. Leroy will make sure of that. Leroy Douresseaux understands that it’s not the quantity that matter, it’s how well you put the sentence together for the benefit of the reader.

Leroy, of course is American. He lives in Louisiana in a part of the state filled with culture and history. History surrounds Leroy’s life and experience. Leroy has been reading comics for a long time and has exchanged with many comic book creators over the years. He is a political person, although being the professional that he is; you will not see that transpire in his writings when it is not appropriate. But when it is, reading his work is a joy and has angered many writers @ComicBookBin over the years. Yes, some writers have quit because of articles written by Leroy. I think it’s an actual honour and a proof that one’s work has touched others that an article has pushed another staff writer to call it quit in opposition. Writing that does not matter does not make people quit. Words have powers and Leroy uses them without fearing any Kryptonite.

Sometimes I’m angry that the established comic book coterie has not recognized Leroy Douresseaux’s contribution to comic book criticism. The man is as well-read as Tom Spurgeon in the field of comics and as prolific as Mark Waid when it comes to writing. He is a professional who never misses a deadline and has the uncanny ability to vulgarize contents for mass audiences. One of Leroy’s skills as a comic book pundit is his understanding for the visual components of comics. Very few comic book reviewers, critic and commentators ever bother to explain the visual aspects of comics. I suspect that although most of them have read Understanding Comics, they just don’t understand visual storytelling. Leroy does. He understands inking too. His writing shows that understanding.

Leroy also writes his own comic books and he works on his own projects many of which I can’t wait to discuss and showcase @ComicBookBin. Leroy’s work can be found in almost every section of ComicBookBin. However, he writes specifically in the Manga, the Yaoi, Books and Black Astronaut. Thank you Leroy for helping ComicBookBin as a dream alive all these years.

Who's Who @ComicBookBin is a feature celebrating the 10th anniversary of ComicBookBin where publisher Hervé St-Louis features writers past and present that have contributed to ComicBookBin over the years.

Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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