By Zach Bowen
June 2, 2008 - 10:41
I got my hands of an early copy of LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures for Nintendo DS, and can strongly recommend picking this game up. However, if you are not a fan of the original films, this game will seem childish and probably boring. For those who have been long awaiting a decent Indiana Jones game, I can say without a doubt this is one of the best installments to enter the world of gaming.
The game starts out with Indiana Jones in an office. From there, players have the option of picking which movies from the original trilogy they want to play. If a player wants to start playing The Last Crusade while there in the middle of Raiders of the Lost Ark, the option is there. Throughout the levels, players
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The controls on the DS are very smooth. Character movement is fluid and the controls are very simple. The game is set up to be playable for both younger audiences and adults. The interesting part about the DS control is that the touch screen is utilized by the players thumb, instead of the stylus. The touch screen controls are something that could have been easily replaced with the touch of a button; but it seems that the developers were just searching for a way to utilize the lower half of the screen.
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One thing I am curious about in this game is how to lose. It does not seem to matter how many times I get broken apart, Indy just keeps coming back for more. Every time you lose all of your health, money is lost. Even if your currency count is at 0, the game will not end. My only other complaint is that the game does have some glitches. I have fallen through the occasional floor, finding myself in an endless sea of baby blue.
In the great Indiana Jones tradition, every level is full of hidden artifacts and other treasures. All of these lead to different unlockable components of the game, and as mentioned before, some of these must be found using the Free Play option. Like in most games, coins are collected. These can be used to purchase characters and other items that will be of use for those who want to do more than just play in Story Mode.
Overall, this is an entertaining game. I cannot say that it has a lot of replay value, but for those who love the Indiana Jones films, and are looking for some mindless fun, this game will not disappoint.
Rating: 8 /10