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Lazer Comics on KickStarter
By The Editor
September 28, 2012 - 16:07
HBComics, a small press publisher from Boston, announced their kickstarter campaign in style, boasting variant covers from two of the independent comic world's more recognized artists.
Billy Tucci, Eisner award nominated creator of "Shi," and more recently creator/artist of the biblical tale "A Child is Born," has produced one of the variant covers being offered for "Lazerman: This Man, This Lazer!"... a trade paperback being promoted on kickstarter, HBComics announced on their website. The cover has yet to be revealed, although features a BillyTucci Lazerman pinup, also being offered through the crowd-funding campaign.
"I'm excited to be producing a variant cover for the book" Tucci proclaimed during the promotional video. "(Lazerman is) the most refreshing title to be offered in the past couple of decades, I think." Tucci said.
In addition, Chris Giarrusso, creator/artist of "G-Man: Cape Crisis" and Marvel Comic's "Mini-Marvels" is also providing a variant cover for the campaign.
"Something Lazerman has in common with G-Man, is they are both fun super heroes that aren't embarrassed to be super heroes" Giarrusso explained. "Lazerman is a lot of fun." A pinup by Giarrusso is also listed among the Kickstarter's rewards.
The Kickstarter campaign (HBComic's first) is aimed at getting a trade paperback produced collecting the first four issues of the Lazerman series, according to series artist Chris Hebert. According to Hebert, Lazerman is "an all ages, classic style super hero story about a comic book geek who, in a bizarre twist of fate, actually gets real super-powers." The series is currently on it's seventh issue.
The kickstarter can be found at
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20