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Kick-Ass 2 #1
By Zak Edwards
November 2, 2010 - 15:34
After a very successful run, the original Kick-Ass has become a cultural sensation, spawning a film which is also amazing in its own right, and is now onto its second ‘season.’ This time around, the world has changed even further from our own as costumed heroes frequently wander the streets, but the life of protagonist Dave Lizewski seems to be sort of stalling. This Kick-Ass is a reminder of the fact the movie was a book first and a movie second, and keeps the tone of the comic rather than making concessions to the film. While not quite as violent as the first (I’m sure that will change by the second page of the second issue), Millar spends most of the issue showing what’s going on as a result of Kick-Ass as a social phenomenon rather than jump straight into the story. A note: This book continues to be just like its R-rated counterpoint, so keep the little ones at arms length from this one lest they end up like Hit-Girl!
Structurally, the book is very familiar, Millar keeps a similar strategy as the first. The story is a flashback of a Dave who has already seen the story, offering glimpses of what is to come, including a de-masking and a big fight in Times Square against Red Mist, the son of the mobster antagonist of the first installment. Millar also sets up some tensions and problems to be resolved: Hit-Girl’s inability to leave her former life behind, Dave’s continued pining for Katie Deauxma among other things. Really, the issue is not really plot heavy, beyond Kick-Ass meeting another hero who has a “Bat-Cave” and an amateur Justice League, but is still worth looking into as most of what Millar writes is contextual for the story. But after a couple of years of less than stellar performance from Millar (Ultimate Avengers, Nemesis, etc.), it’s nice to see him doing something with some potential and be entertaining at the same time. Also, with lines like “I feel like Rihanna on a quiet night in” after Kick-Ass gets beat up by Hit-Girl, how can you not stick around for the second issue!
John Romita Junior’s art is fairly inconsistent this issue, an unfortunate circumstance given the lack of action happening plot-wise. In some instances, the art has been inked an coloured in a wonderful fashion which looks completely different from the panel next to it, going from a familiar colour scheme of the first installment to a much softer look on the next panel. Characters get disproportionate as well, especially in a panel depicting Hit-Girl sitting in front of her parents and looking gigantic. Overall, the art is fine, but detracts far too often.
7/10 Good, not great; but has some promise ahead.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20