Comics /
European Comics
Ken Games Vol. 2 - Feuille
By Hervé St-Louis
December 23, 2009 - 23:49
The second volumes of the three-part Ken Games series shows the repercussions of the small lie Pierre, Thierry-Jean (TJ) and Anne committed previously. Part of the truth comes out and the real feelings that Pierre has for Anne could threaten his friendship with TJ. The game of bluff also puts each of the three characters in arms way as their lies are unsustainable and many people are knocking at the door to know why Pierre is boxing professionally instead of being in school becoming a mathematician, why TJ is not really working at bank but playing underground poker and why Anne is an assassin instead of a school teacher?
The story of the three friends betraying themselves with their double lives is great. I really like the depth of character each one has. As well as strong characterization, there is also a strong plot with three stories intertwined with enough action and suspense to sustain the reader’s interest until the end. I admit that unlike what I wrote in my review of the previous volume, the story is not predictable. I like how Anne sees the game of bluff and taunt between best friends Pierre and TJ and says clearly that she wants no parts in it. It surprised me that this story would go to that level of depth. I know it’s all about a game of bluff and lies, but that the writer takes this literally in his plot is amazing.
![kengamespp2.jpg]( |
Without Toledano, the story would not have the same resonance. I really like his character designs. I thought that the big chin effect would annoy me at first, but now, I really like it. Of course, he knows how to draw action. I liked how he made Anne shoot a bullet through the engagement ring TJ was holding. That’s a strong and visually charged symbol of what kind of person she is and what she wants in life. I know most readers cannot read English, but this is one series that you have to hunt down anyway and enjoy for yourself. Let’s hope some gutsy North American publisher will jump on the opportunity and translate this new classic of the genre in English soon.
Rating: 10 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20