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DC Comics
Justice Society of America #33
By Hervé St-Louis
November 29, 2009 - 11:36
Review Marathon |
The Justice Society rounds up all the villains that attacked them last issue but the real issue here is a split on strategy and about what the Justice Society represents. Will the team be strong enough to resist the urge to split? Well of course not since the new announced JSA All-Stars is coming soon. I thought that the differences in tactics within the team were exaggerated for drama and to force readers to read yet another series. The idea of inflating the ranks of that team was never sound from the beginning and I never understood why Geoff Johns did it. And now that he’s gone, the creative team feels that there is an opportunity to deal with such a large cast in two books. We’ll all seen the more proactive splinter group scenario before. It’s been done too many times with the Justice League, the Avengers, the X-Men and so on. I just wish they had a better reason to split this book. In the case of All-Stars, most of them are forgettable and useless. I’m not sure I even care. This series has never been good since it was rebooted and this may be my cue to cut my losses. Merino is a great artist, but his cover for this issue was weak.
Rating: 7 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20