Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Justice League of America #4

By Geoff Hoppe
December 21, 2006 - 12:09


This may be the best comic on stands this week. As Black Lightning hashes over his terrifying discovery with JLA teammates, Arsenal, Black Canary and Green Lantern continue their assault on the facility where a mini army of Red Tornados attacked them last issue.


Brad Meltzer’s writing is exciting and tight. And what, you may ask, do I mean by “tight?” It’s such an overused adjective in criticism. Namely, this: there are no breaks in the action, and dialogue and character are not sacrificed to maintain this page-turning pace. Every panel contributes to the story. The plot’s momentum drags the reader in like a delightful undertow. The last time I read something this professional in comics was Alan Moore’s Watchmen (and, unlike Moore, Meltzer spares us any political pontificating). Hal Jordan’s internal monologue, in particular, is a blast to read—and it hints at exciting possibilities for Arsenal.


Do you like Ivan Reis? Do you like Frank Miller? If so, you’ll love Ed Benes. Benes somehow mixes Frank Miller’s direct, emotional impact with Ivan Reis’ attention to detail and anatomical accuracy (stop snickering—it’s not THAT kind of accuracy). It’s not necessarily the style I had pegged for a group of old school do-gooders like the JLA, but hey—it’s a new era, and damned if it don’t look good. Alex Sinclair’s colors add to the effect brilliantly. Colors should be like catchy topic sentences, and Sinclair’s eye-popping greens and gradations of red grab the viewer and don’t let go.


Surprisingly enough, this issue’s weakest feature is Michael Turner’s cover. I never thought I’d single out Michael Turner as the weakest feature of anything, but this cover’s layout is just a tad too boring.


Worth the money? Yes. Buy it. Now.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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