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Justice League Rise and Fall #1
By Hervé St-Louis
May 1, 2010 - 22:31
The Justice League investigates the death of Prometheus and tries to capture Green Arrow his murderer. Can Green Arrow stay aloof for long? This issue, of course continues the story from the Justice League Cry for Justice mini-series where Star City was destroyed and Green Arrow committed a murder – ahem again. The whole story about Green Arrow killing a bad guy is ridiculous as he has been there and much further during the years Mike Grell wrote the character. In fact one of the crucial scene in the Green Arrow Longbow story that reintroduced the character to an adult readership, he murdered the torturer of his girlfriend, the Black Canary. So all of this story feels hollow to me and not as poignant as when Green Arrow first started killing people 20 years ago. Krull reminds me of A.J. Lieberman’s Martian Manhunter series. Both try to write groundbreaking tales about the characters they are responsible for, but all of their efforts fall short as a better creator has done the same and much more way back. All readers are left with are stories that are supposed to shock them when we already have been there and done that. Mayhew,s work is unequal here. It looks good as pure pencils, but there are a few anatomy problems.
Rating: 6 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20