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DC Comics
Justice League Generation #15
By Hervé St-Louis
January 1, 2011 - 15:56
Captain Atom is back from the future and extremely angry at Maxwell Lord whom he wants to kill. But he has competition from Booster Gold. Lord also wants revenge and to kill Wonder Woman, the person who killed him the first time. But Wonder Woman is nowhere to be found on Earth and no one even remembers her. How can Max exact his vengeance if Wonder Woman has ceased to exist?
This issue continues to built a lot of tension by pitting the Justice League against the one villain responsible for the creation of this current team in past eras. I was never a fan of how Max was easily transformed into a villain. He never was a great guy, but he was interesting. Here, he’s becoming more complex as a character than when he was written by Geoff Johns. Winick is able to find what makes him work as a driven villain who crosses lines continuously. Winick also provides the heroes with similar drive and motivations. This series is completely character driven which is not something we see often in a Justice League comic book. Perhaps that’s why this series, no matter how many liberties are taken with continuity, is perhaps the best Justice League series available. Now, if the other DC Comics writers could pay attention to what’s happening here and stop borrowing the characters in their stories while they are supposed to be outcasts, perhaps the world would be a better place?
Bennett is back. I always like his work. He draws beautiful women. His characters’ faces are always full of expressions. His work here complements Winick’ script perfectly. Jadson gives Bennett’s pencils a more angular feel which is not bad at all. Inkers usually give him softer lines, but I like the contrast here. With solid pencils, any play on inks usually make the drawings look good no matter what.
Rating: 9.5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20