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DC Comics
Justice Society of America #16
By Patrick Bérubé
June 9, 2008 - 20:24
Last issue's cliffhanger: Gog was killed in Congo by a new giant Gog. But who is exactly this new version of the character. Well, that’s what we learn in this issue.
As the new Gog explains to the Justice Society of America, he is a god from the Third World who has fallen on Earth hundreds of years ago and was buried in a tomb of molten rock. Only recently did Matthew Smith discovered this place and used the power staff within it to assume his mantle before he was pulverized last issue. So now the real Gog has awakened and now offers to heal the world . He begins with a nearby village and by restoring Damage’s face. But can this new god can be trusted? Can his intention be so pure? Also, Black Adam’s come back and a hint is dropped as whether or not Isis will come back too.
Geoff Johns’ script on this issue is interesting in many points. First, it establishes the background of the main “villain” in a way that we cannot really tell if he’s really trying to do good or not. This uncertainty might bring even more interesting plot points in the future. Johns’ ability to give each characters his own voice also shines in this issue. It’s easy to forget the personality of each character in a team book including many members and just making them interact. But that’s not the case here and even if the roster seems a bit overcrowded I feel like every member is unique and has its place on the team.
As for the pencils, I was surprised to see Spanish artist Fernando Pasarin take the helm of an American comic book. I was aware that he was working on a French series but not that he was now also working for the North American market. His clear line with a bit of crosshatching here and there is perfectly suited for the superhero genre. My only complaint would be that he is very good when doing close up but the farther the characters is the less detailed they are.
Overall a good start to a new story arc. I just wish they would not have started a new arc with such strong ties to the last one. It just feels like continuity and not a self contained story.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20