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DC Comics
Justice Society of America # 3
By Hervé St-Louis
February 18, 2007 - 12:53
The Justice Society discovers the plot behind the assassination of the families of various Golden Age mystery men. Hawkman returns in time to make a brilliant rescue and a new group of villains calling itself the Fourth Reich makes an appearance. More Justice Society members appear rounding up the membership. But will this be enough to rescue the some of the targeted families?
It is really annoying to see actions transpire when you know what will happen next. For example, Steel’s descendant, Nathan Heywood, has been shown to be crippled and reacted oddly to the liquid metal that fell over his face. We already know it will be infused with his head and somehow, he will gain powers and claim back the mantle of Commander Steel. Once, such origins for new characters were fun, but now they just seem redundant, especially when dealing with so many legacy characters. In the case of Steel, he was of no interests and got justifiably disposed off in 1980s Justice League stories. As for Wildcat’s son, well the original is still alive and the female version introduced in the 1980s was also killed in favour of the original. If creating thousands of legacy characters is what Johns has to offer, this title may not remain on my reading list for long.
The artwork is good. Eaglesham gives a Golden Age anatomy look to his characters. They seem to be flowing and fighting like Lou Fine characters. This style is a good choice for a series like the Justice Society.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20