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Who's Who - Julie Gray
By Hervé St-Louis
August 2, 2012 - 15:26
Julie Gray was an important contributor to ComicBookBin. She was our resident manga expert for several years and accomplished quite a lot and continues to do so in many different Webzines about video games, animé and mangas. Julie Gray’s first article was published in March 2006. Quickly Julie wrote important articles about mangas and clearly set to establish the manga section of ComicBookBin which had only received contributions from editor Leroy Douresseau previously. Julie came to ComicBookBin as an accomplished writer already, knowing that had collaborated to many other blogs previously.
Julie’s strength was her understanding of the subject matter she covered. She knew her manga and her animé. She was a relentless reviewer and a real professional when it came to writing articles.
Julie collaborated with ComicBookBin until February 2008 and don’t be surprised if you see some of her articles popping up here from time to time. You may even have read her work on other related news sites. Julie hails from New Zealand which makes it a little problematic to forward her review materials sometimes. I once had to pay very dearly to deliver a book to her. Let’s just say the shipping of the book to New Zealand cost me several times more than the advertised price for the book which I had gotten for free from a comic book publisher.
Who's Who @ComicBookBin
is a feature celebrating the 10th anniversary of ComicBookBin where
publisher Hervé St-Louis features writers past and present that have
contributed to ComicBookBin over the years.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20